Friday, February 11, 2011

A Mother's Crusade

Diagnosed in 1992, a majority of my life and day is spent at school. The Davidson County school district was wonderful to me and the care of my diabetes. However, not all schools were good to their students who have diabetes.

Friends where having to go to the office to treat hypoglycemia (low blood sugars) or limiting trips to the bathroom or water fountain for hyperglycemia (high blood sugars).

Sharon Pearce, CRNA, MSN
My mother, Sharon Pearce and Me.

My mother, Sharon Pearce, took action immediately after hearing horror stories from fellow diabetics. After her research and contacting everyone in the senate to members of the school board did she come to her conclusion. Students who have diabetes are not always safe in their school.

Her crusade for the rights of diabetics followed.

The Care for School Children with Diabetes Act was first introduced into the North Carolina General Assembly by former N.C. Senator Patrick Ballantine and Representative Gene Rogers back in June of 2002.

After lobbying, writing letters, sending photos, attending committee hearings and visiting legislators eventually paid off.  

Governor Mike Easley signed Senate Bill 911, the Care for School Children with Diabetes Act, into law on September 5, 2002. 

With this bill it ensures that the children of North Carolina with diabetes can safely care for their diabetes at school.

The N.C. Board of Education adopted such guidelines such as:
  • An individualized diabetes care plan

  • School personnel be trained in the care of diabetes and hypoglycemia (other than the school nurse)

  • Children have immediate access to diabetes supplies

  • Children be allowed to monitor their blood sugar anywhere, at anytime during any school activities

  • Children be allowed to eat a snack anywhere, including the classroom to treat hypoglycemia

  • Children be allowed access to the restroom and access to fluids as necessary.

This bill is now being adopted into other states' legislation system to protect the children who suffer from diabetes.    

If your state does not have this plan, adopt it, and take action.  

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